Contents - Sociology, Civil Society and State



Theoretical sociology and practice [15]

The civil society as an Utopia and as sociological theory [16]

The state versus malcontent and lyrical sociology [22]

The nation and sociological understanding of ownership [24]

The new labour, new intellectual property and sociological neo-classicism [27]

The appropriation of old and new classic thought [32]

References [36]

Chapter 1


Hegel and sociological neo-classicism [39]

Officials are neither servants of the state nor servants of the people [48]

Die biirgliche Gesellschaft, the burgess society and civil society [50]

Officials and great and small estates of burgess society and state [52]

Officials, the middle estate and the new middle class [57]

The concept of class as an expression of economic and civic freedom [61]

Estates in the archaic and modern sense [63]

Officialdom as an estate of educated persons [65]

Truth as a professional skill [66]

Ways of transforming the real state into the state of bad existence [69]

Officials' and hired labour [70]

Estate esteem of the officialdom [74]

Officials estate and the privatisation of offices and public functions [75]

The officialdom as an estate of the extra-class state [76]

The knight-errant (fahrende Ritter) as a type of official [81]

The lackey of state (Slaatsbediente) as a type of official [82]

Officials and the people [85]

Officials and public opinion [86]

Is it possible to deceive the people? [89]

The idea of officials' estate and the ideal type of bureaucracy [90]

References [92]

Chapter 2


Ownership and civil society [97]

Expropriation of sociology from theory of ownership [98]

Property, power and freedom [101]

A structural-historical ambiguity of the concept of ownership [104]

Ownership relations, relations conditioned by ownership and relations significant for ownership [104]

Ownership, practical doctrines and empirical sciences [105]

When does ownership arise and exist? [106]

The extra-juridical means of comprehending and regulating ownership [107]

Causal sophistries in the theory of identification of economy and extra-economic fields of social life [108]

Tangible and intangible things (res corporales - res incorporates) as thought fictions [110]

The air, the light of the sun and other free goods and ownership [112]

The means of production, pop-sociology and pop-economics [113]

The intellectual means of production as objects of ownership [114]

The intellectual means of material production versus the material means of intellectual production [116]

Virtual reality, the intellectual means of production and the classical theory of truth [117]

The intellectual means of labour organisation and ownership regulation and protection [119]

Ownership and ergodynamis, dynamis of personality and the human body [120]

Objects of ownership and deed [122]

Money as an object of ownership [123]

Objects of ownership in classic and influential, sociological and economic thought [125]

Resources and human capital [127]

Pierre Bourdieu’s reduction of the main objects of ownership to certain kinds of capital [128]

The cultural capital versus ergodynamis and dynamis of personality. On economic reductionism [130]

The social capital and the sophism of Abraham and Isaac  [134]

The political capital versus objects of state ownership [136]

Bourdieu's capitals and the transformation of particular concepts into total ones [139]

The New Home Economics and intellectual economic imperialism [142]

The Weberian objects of appropriation and ownership [145]

Appropriation of labour positions and offices and ownership of basic production and labour agents [146]

Appropriation of the material means of procurement and occupation and the enfranchisement of hired employees [148]

Appropriation of managerial positions and objects of ownership 149]

Appropriation of political and administrative power versus ownership relations and relations significant for ownership [153]

References [157]

Chapter 3


Human individuals, legal persons, gods and sovereigns [162]

Common property and property of concrete human individuals [163]

Social division of labour and subjects of property. Direct manufacturers and direct producers of modern societies [165]

Services and direct production. A concept of vocation [168]

Ergodynamis and subjects of ownership [171]

Formal and real skills. Professionals and bunglers 174]

Subjects of ownership in creditor-debtor relations [175]

Subjects of ownership in tenancy relations [177]

Corporal and non-corporal state ownership. The sociological approach to tax problems [178]

Taxes and partially expropriating the proprietors of the material means of occupation and the hired labour classes and estates [181]

Participation of concrete individuals in the ownership of national and local communities [183]

State ownership and the ownership of the rulers and the ruled [185]

The non-egalitarian coefficient of social-economic phenomena. The old against the young or the rich against the poor [187]

Appropriation of the welfare state by the middle and upper classes [188]

Formal-statistical and organic concepts of the class [190]

Expropriation of the income middle class versus the expropriation of the organic classes and social estates from the participation in the welfare state ownership [193]

The pre-Copemican way of thinking about subjects of ownership [195]

Subsidies and subjects of national ownership [197]

Domination of public ownership over private and personal types of ownership [199]

Stock capital as a modern ownership of the material means of production. Managers and owners of big corporations [200]

Real enfranchisement of workers and employees in modem corporations [204]

Indicators of employees' co-ownership of corporation property [205]

Office architecture, employees' co-ownership and expropriation [208]

Lifelong employment, seniority wage and permanent class advancement [210]

Enfranchisement of employees in the social market economy [212]

Classes of employees - co-owners of the modem means of production versus classes of the typical hired labour. The contradiction of their interests [213]

Formal socialism and beggarly common ownership [216]

References [221]

Chapter 4


The particular feature of ownership relationship. Ownership versus labour [225]

The means of production and occupation as gifts of extra-human nature  [226]

Abstaining from production and work as a way to increase wealth [228]

Gifts of modem and post-modem human nature [229]

Less work but more wealth. The erroneous neo-Malthusian and the Rome Club's prognoses  [231]

The past generations and foreigners absent physically as members of every nation and producers of its wealth 232]

The super-rich of America and the gifts of science [233]

Labour as a gift of the employed people. The minimal wage and ownership 235]

Not a working day, but a working day and night [237]

Formal versus real taxpayers [239]

Ways of their labour appropriation beneficial for workers and employees [239]

Consumers surplus, worker's surplus, saver's surplus, superadditum of wealth [241]

Ergodynamis and the donative comprehension of ownership. Common and private ownership of labour power [242]

Gratis goods versus exploitation. Some critical remarks on current concepts of exploitation  [245]

The donative concept of ownership in social and juridical sciences [246]

The utilitarian and dominative concepts of ownership [247]

The Chicago Property Rights School, Fichte, Parsons and Smelser [248]

References [251]

Chapter 5


Real socialism, formal socialism or state socialism? [254]

“Class” as a category of social science, an element of practical doctrine, a razor in the hands of a madman and the means of coercion [257]

The fate of extra-Marxist theories of class in formal socialism [260]

Omnia pro tempore?  [263]

Class versus labour and ownership. Younger by age but older by thought [264]

The relational nature of social differentiation categories [266]

The ownership of ergodynamis (labour power), human capital and social differentiation 268]

Orders of production and microclass. An organic concept of class [270]

Macroclass and great property-labour dichotomies. When is a new class really a new class? [272]

The heuristic and monorelational concept of class [275]

Microsociology and macrosociology of social estate, quasi-class, quasi-estate and underclass  [277]

The collectivistic, antagonistic and economic-monadic concepts of class  [278]

Sorokin's concept of sociological neocolumbism [282]

References [286]

Chapter 6


Demos versus idea - spectres [291]

The archaic and modem concepts of the people and elite [293]

The people versus the new and old Newspeak  [296]

Classes, estates and absent voters  [297]

Old schemes and the new order of labour and property [303]

Peasants, farmers and the involuntary class-estate nature of the political parties [307]

Workers and five types of the workers' parties  [311]

Entrepreneurs, the self-employed versus owners of capital and the demiurgic class 318]

Intelligentsia versus the managerial, regulating and academically educated classes and estates 320]

Mental employees without academic education versus the classes and estates of extra-worker, subordinated labour  [322]

The parties and the quasi-classes and quasi-estates of pensioners [323]

Housewives. Labour as a social form versus the material-sensible content of labour [326]

The unemployed and quasi-classes, quasi-estates and parties [329]

The small is important  [331]

Adversaries and supporters of burgess society  [332]

Oligopoly and citizen discrimination [336]

The people and the confessional and archnational parties [339]

The elites, the people and post-war Poland [342]

The attitudes of electorate towards the strong hand rule [350]

Final remark [352]

References [353]

Index of names [357]

Sociology, Civil Society and State (Summary) [365]
